Suwanee River

Admit it. You started singing as soon as you saw the name.

I've never been in a canoe longer than an hour in my entire life so a five day trip was definitely stepping out for me. I've taken to hiking mostly because I love it but also because my legs have much better endurance than my arms. When I found out I was going to be on this trip I was staying at the YMCA in Port Arthur, Texas and you'd better believe I started working my poor little arm muscles getting ready.

There were ten adults and three children aged 3, 6 and 8. All friends of my hiking buddy John Calhoun and most of whom had paddled together before. We started in Fargo Georgia and made our way down to White Springs Florida The river itself was lower than usual and mostly flatwater with a few small riffles on the last day. The weather was unusually cold which took a day or so to adjust to. But the weather was bright and clear and there were no bugs or predators to worry about.  

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